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Otomasyon, IoT( Internet Of Things),AggreGate

Objective to develop automation projects and products. In this context, Tibbo develops SCADA / HMI software using the AggreGate platform. By using these softwares, it is possible to monitor and control them remotely and increase the production and performance of the companies. In this context, the companies producing the IOT (Internet of Things) devices through the device to move to Industry 4.0. As the first industrial 4.0 product in the field, "KAPASİTEMATİK" product of Tezmaksan company was developed by our company with this technology. Automation panels (electric / electronic panels) are also designed and produced by our company in connection with this subject.

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Smart Card

Smart Card & Smart Payment Systems; to develop smartcard-based projects in this area and to market the developed projects to companies that need the application. These projects are often thought of as smart card-based projects that will use infrastructure for companies that need electronic security and electronic payment systems. We produced our first product in 2017.

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R & D

Special-purpose R & D projects; These projects can be summarized as the design and development of more specific projects of individuals, firms or organizations. For example, the special project that is being worked on is to increase the efficiency by using drone (airborne intelligent vehicles) and hardware and software to measure the yield on agricultural land by adding virtual intelligence to the Drone vehicle and using it as a medication tool. A very important road has been made in this project. Our goal is to spend the project with a big company in the middle of this year (we are in talks with a big company).


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